What Can I Do To Protect My Asphalt Driveway In The Winter?
The winter can be a challenging time for asphalt. When ice and snow begin to melt, it creates pooling water on asphalt surfaces. These puddles compromise the integrity of your asphalt surface. They also cause other issues that could be dangerous for you and your family.
Pooling Water
Pooling water can cause serious damage to your asphalt driveway or parking lot. This is especially true when ice and snow begin to melt. During these times, water will expand as it freezes and thaws. This can break down the surface of your asphalt, causing it to crumble. In addition, water can seep into cracks in your asphalt pavement and erode them over time. This could cause them to expand further and exacerbate the issue. Aside from this, pooling water can attract vermin and mold. Both of which are two very dangerous threats to your health and your home.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent this from occurring in the first place. Depending on the problem, this might involve installing drainage channels or diverting excess water underground. It also might involve re-grading your property so that there is adequate space for drainage to occur.
Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Throughout the winter, freeze-thaw cycles can affect the integrity of asphalt surfaces. The majority of the damage caused by the freeze-thaw cycle occurs in small cracks and potholes that are exposed to freezing temperatures. This is because the water in these small areas expands as it freezes and breaks apart the asphalt surface. When the temperature rises, it can cause this water to thaw and penetrate deeper into the sub-base soil underneath. The soil is then weakened, resulting in frost heave.
Seal Coating
One of the best ways to protect your asphalt driveway from freezing and thawing cycles is to seal it with a coating. This process replenishes the oil-based binder within the asphalt, which is essential in prolonging its life. Another benefit of seal coating is that it makes your asphalt surface look smooth and glossy. This can help it attract more attention and make guests feel welcomed to your home or business.
Using a seal coat will also help prevent the formation of cracks and other surface damage that can become large over time. These small blemishes can quickly turn into serious issues that require more expensive repairs down the road. When it comes to applying seal coats, you will need a variety of tools and equipment to get the job done right. You can always save yourself the trouble and contact a professional to ensure quality work.
Repairing Cracks
As we’ve discussed, the freezing and thawing cycles are an incredibly damaging force on the surface of asphalt as they cause water to penetrate tiny cracks before freezing, expanding, and growing. This is why it is so important to repair cracks in your driveway before winter.
For asphalt driveways, this means using a specific cold-set asphalt crack filler. This product will prevent cracks from expanding and causing more damage, making it a great choice for asphalt repairs. For concrete surfaces, patching small cracks is an inexpensive way to avoid more serious problems down the road. However, larger cracks in the pavement should be repaired by a professional.
Categorised in: Asphalt Driveway, Commercial Parking Lots, Paving Contractor, Paving Services