Should A Parking Lot Be Milled Before New Asphalt Is Applied?

March 25, 2024


When it comes to repaving a parking lot, one common question that arises is whether the existing surface should be milled before applying new asphalt. Milling, which involves removing a layer of the existing pavement, can offer several benefits when done before repaving. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages of milling a parking lot before applying new asphalt and why it may be a crucial step in ensuring a durable and long-lasting parking lot surface.

What is Milling?

Milling is a process that involves removing a layer of the existing pavement surface to create a smooth and even base for new asphalt. The milling machine grinds down the existing asphalt surface, removing any imperfections, potholes, or uneven areas. This process helps to create a more stable and uniform base for the new asphalt to be applied on top.

Advantages of Milling Before Applying New Asphalt

1. Improves Surface Smoothness and Appearance:

One of the primary benefits of milling before applying new asphalt is that it helps to improve the overall smoothness and appearance of the parking lot surface. By removing the top layer of the existing pavement, any cracks, bumps, or other imperfections are eliminated, creating a level and aesthetically pleasing surface for the new asphalt to be laid on.

2. Enhances Durability and Longevity:

Milling the existing pavement before repaving can significantly enhance the durability and longevity of the new asphalt surface. By creating a smooth and uniform base, the new asphalt is less likely to develop cracks, potholes, or other issues that can shorten its lifespan. A properly milled surface provides a strong foundation for the new asphalt, ensuring that it will last for years to come.

3. Improves Drainage and Water Management:

Milling can also help to improve drainage and water management on the parking lot surface. By removing imperfections and creating a smooth base, water is less likely to pool or collect on the surface, reducing the risk of water damage and deterioration. Proper drainage is essential for prolonging the lifespan of the asphalt and preventing issues such as cracking and potholes.

4. Cost-Effective Solution:

While milling before applying new asphalt may add an additional cost to the repaving project, it can ultimately be a cost-effective solution in the long run. By creating a strong and durable base for the new asphalt, milling can help prevent costly repairs and maintenance in the future. Investing in milling can save money on potential repairs and prolong the lifespan of the parking lot surface.

5. Allows for Proper Adjustment of Surface Height:

Milling also allows for the proper adjustment of the surface height before applying new asphalt. This is particularly important in cases where the existing pavement is uneven or has different elevations. By milling the surface, the height can be adjusted to ensure a level and uniform base for the new asphalt to be laid on, improving the overall quality and appearance of the parking lot.

Key Considerations for Milling Before Applying New Asphalt

1. Surface Condition:

Before deciding whether to mill the existing pavement, it is essential to assess the condition of the surface. If the existing pavement is severely deteriorated, cracked, or damaged, milling may be necessary to create a stable base for the new asphalt. A professional assessment of the surface condition can help determine whether milling is the right solution for repaving.

2. Thickness of Existing Pavement:

The thickness of the existing pavement is another critical factor to consider when deciding whether to mill before applying new asphalt. If the existing pavement is thick enough to support a new layer of asphalt without milling, it may not be necessary to remove the entire surface. However, if the existing pavement is thin or uneven, milling can help create a more stable base for the new asphalt.

3. Budget and Timeline:

When planning a repaving project, it is essential to consider the budget and timeline for the project. While milling before applying new asphalt can offer several benefits, it is important to weigh the cost of milling against the potential long-term savings and benefits. Additionally, milling can add time to the project timeline, so it is crucial to factor this into the overall timeline for completing the repaving project.


Milling before applying new asphalt can offer several advantages and benefits for repaving a parking lot. By creating a smooth and uniform base for the new asphalt, milling can improve the surface’s durability, longevity, and appearance. While milling may add an additional cost and time to the repaving project, the long-term benefits of a properly milled surface can outweigh the initial investment. Consulting with a professional paving contractor can help determine whether milling is the right solution for your parking lot repaving project and ensure a successful and long-lasting asphalt surface.

Need a Paving Contractor in Nokesville, VA?

With over 50 years of experience in the design and construction of commercial and residential asphalt paving, Paveco Inc. has the experience and manpower to make your project the best it can be. We use only the highest quality of materials available. Paveco Inc. utilizes the latest technology and equipment available. We have established high standards in Northern and Central Virginia, with attention to quality and detail at an affordable cost to our customers. No matter what size the job is, large or small, we do it all. Contact us today to entrust your next project to Paveco Inc, and see what we can do for you.

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